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May 4, 2024



In-app and e-mail notifications are crucial for matchmaking platforms and marketplaces. In-app notifications ensure instant, responsive communication by being integrated into the platform, while e-mails enable users to be notified outside the platform. By combining these two channels, your platform benefits from user retention, business stimulation and increased community participation.

In-app notifications

In-app notifications

Triggering events :
The sending of in-app notifications can be triggered by any type of action performed by users on the site, such as: the publication of a single ad page by a user, an order placed by a customer, a response to a comment, a new review, and much more.

Each event concerns a specific user whom you can notify when an action is performed. In the case of a single ad page publication, the users concerned are the page author and the platform administrator. So we can choose to send a notification to one or both of them. For example, we can send a notification to the administrator to inform him of the publication of this single ad page, and we can also send a notification to the author of the single ad page to inform him that the ad has been published successfully or that it is under review.

The number of events triggering these notifications is almost infinite: any action that occurs on your platform can be the subject of a notification to the platform administrator, the service provider/vendor or the end customer.

E-mail notifications

Following the same logic as in-app notifications, e-mail notifications can be triggered by any type of event occurring on your platform.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of examples of triggering events:

Orders : New customer order
Orders : Customer has left a review
Orders : Order cancelled by customer
Orders : Successful payment
Orders : Payment failed
Orders : Refund requested by customer
News feed : New publication
News feed : New comment
News feed : New reply to a comment
Publications : New single ad page published
Publications : Updated single ad page
Publications : Approved single ad page
Publications : New notice

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