Marketplace system and revenue opportunities

In the e-commerce market, marketplaces represent a crucial opportunity for companies of all sizes.
By integrating advanced functionalities such as flexible compensation systems, advanced search systems and simplified supplier management, they offer a robust platform for driving growth and improving operational efficiency.


Centralization of activities


Compensation system

Subscriptions, commissions, advertising



Advanced search system

Efficient, customizable search


Online chat

In-house communication



Internationalize your platform


Notification system

Building credibility for your platform


Centralize your activities


The dashboard for modern marketplaces combines several key functions for optimal management.

Centralized, customized management : Allows you to manage the entire platform in one place, with an interface tailored to the needs of each company.

Product catalog : Enables easy management of the product catalog, including adding, modifying and organizing items.

Management of compensation systems : Provides complete control over commission structures, subscriptions and advertising, allowing flexibility and adaptation to business strategies.

Statistics and data analysis : Provides valuable insights into marketplace performance, helping to make strategic decisions based on concrete data.


Compensation system

Marketplaces today are adopting a diversified remuneration system to stimulate growth and profitability.

Subscriptions : They offer a stable revenue stream with different levels of access and services.

Commissions : They can be performance-based, with flexible structures such as sales percentages or fixed tariffs.

Advertising : They enable vendors to promote their products and companies to exploit internal advertising space to generate additional revenue.

This combination offers flexibility and multiple revenue opportunities for companies and sellers within the marketplace.

Make it easy to find information

Advanced search system

The marketplaces' advanced search system offers a wide range of functions.

Customization : Search results tailored to users' preferences and purchasing behavior.

Efficient filtering : Enable customers to quickly find what they're looking for with filters like price, category, reviews and more.

Improved product visibility: Helps salespeople reach their target audience more effectively, increasing the chances of a sale.

This system plays a key role in enhancing the user experience and increasing sales opportunities.

Promote internal communication

Online chat

Online chat between customers and sales staff increases customer satisfaction.

Quick answers: Direct interaction between customers and sales staff for immediate answers.

Improving customer satisfaction: Increases customer confidence and helps to quickly resolve customer concerns or any type of customer service.

Sales incentives: Facilitates purchasing decisions by providing real-time information.

This online chat functionality is crucial to improving the customer experience and increasing engagement, contributing to the marketplace's commercial success.

Internationalize your marketplace


A multilingual marketplace provides access to numerous growth opportunities.

Worldwide accessibility : Reach international customers by removing language barriers.

Increasing market reach : Open up the market to various linguistic communities, thereby broadening the target audience.

Enhanced user experience : Offer a personalized, comfortable experience for users.

This multilingual capability is essential for globalizing a marketplace and engaging a wider, more diverse audience.

Build your marketplace's credibility

Notification system

The review system for marketplaces is a very important feature for building user confidence.

Transparent feedback : Allows customers to share their experiences, boosting the confidence of future buyers.

Reputation enhancement : Helps salespeople build a solid reputation based on customer feedback.

Decision support : Customer reviews influence the purchasing decisions of other users, boosting sales.

This review system plays a crucial role in building trust and improving the overall quality of the marketplace.

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