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May 4, 2024

Ad promotion

Advertising promotions

Ad promotion is an effective and automated way of monetizing your platform, allowing your users to promote their own products and services. single ad page containing their service or product by placing them at the top of search results.
You'll be able to apply rates to different locations for specific periods.

Promotion setup

From your dashboard, you can easily set up different types of promotions. You can set up different types of promotions, defining their respective rates, durations and priorities.

Promotion duration : This represents the period during which the ad will be promoted from the moment payment is received.

Promotion priority : Promotion priority represents the priority given to ads. A higher value means higher priority in search results. You may have more expensive promotion types that offer higher priorities.

Advertiser side

Once you've set up promotions with the above configurations, a new "Promote" button will appear under each listing in the service provider or seller dashboard.

By clicking on this button, the provider or seller will be able to see the different types of promotions via a pop-up window. Once the user has decided which promotion they wish to purchase, they can select the relevant promotion and are immediately redirected to the payment page.

Once the order has been placed, verified and finalized, the ad will be automatically promoted and given higher priority in search results.

Displaying ads in search results

Promoted and highlighted ads will appear at the top of search results and will always be relevant to the search or search filters. Depending on the level of priority, ads may have a different color badge.

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